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We provide lifecycle marketing for ecommerce brands that improves brand perception and builds customer loyalty.

Generate at least 30% of your total revenue with emails while reducing costs for conversion and increasing your margins per conversion.

Email is dead!


A typical ecommerce company requires two essential components to aim for sustainable and consistent growth.


A powerful lead generation strategy and an efficient system to nurture those leads to convert.


Deciding what you should focus on first is like asking what came first, the chicken or the egg. A successful strategy relies upon the existence of both.


After two years of testing and experimenting with different offers, we have determined that emails are, hands down, the best medium for ecommerce brands to nurture their leads into hyper loyal customers (currently testing so we can help build a powerful lead generation system for your business too).


So, to the people out there who actually believe that email is dead, I say, you just don't get it!

Marketing is all about building relationships with the customer. Every relationship is built on the foundation of give and take.


At Digital Mercari, we're not out to squeeze an extra buck (or couple thousand bucks) from your customers. We’re here to connect with them, help them, entertain them and gain their loyalty, so when they do begin to trust your brand, they trust it with a fierce passion. We're here to help you build a brand that generates sustainable revenue in the long term.


Do you know the primary reason businesses fail to generate results with email?

They're too impatient. So many companies and individuals don't dedicate sufficient time to emails for customers to even begin trusting you. Add to this, their expectations of immediate exponential returns and an approach that relies purely on selling to your customers, then I’m not surprised that they believe email doesn’t work. 


We know emails are the best medium to nurture your leads because:

  • It requires you to maintain a list of your customers, an extremely valuable asset, that only your brand owns.

  • It allows you to communicate with your customers for free. (Of course, you'll have to pay nominal software fees to use capable email software, like Klaviyo.)

  • It gives you a chance to grab 100% of your customer's attention, personalize your message to them and reach them directly.

  • It allows you to send customized messaging to different groups of customers and curate your messaging to their needs.

  • Emails give you an opportunity to reach your customers with relevant messaging at relevant stages of their journey as a customer and show them how much you care about their experience.

  • A successful email marketing strategy (and a loyal customer base because of it), allows your brand the security to take risks because of the consistent revenue generated from emails at minimal cost to your business.

  • It allows you to have multiple communication touchpoints with prospects who haven’t yet become customers to improve the rate of conversion and significantly bring down the cost per conversion.



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Would you rather work with a Jack? Or would you work with a Master?


Over the past 3 years learning from this industry, we have cycled through multiple services and offers that we provided to our partners. In our time as a digital marketing agency (our name is literally digital marketing, just marketing is translated to mercari in Latin), we always seemed to hit a glass ceiling.


We were not really able to help our partners get to the heights they wanted their business to reach. We felt like we were failing.


In 2021, we went back to the drawing board. We decided to strip our offer back to the basics. We perceived an ecommerce brand and the essential aspects of its marketing. There was lead generation and lead nurturing. Now, we had to decide which aspect we were best equipped to handle.


As a team, we’ve always been concerned with people. Our skills seemed to be best suited to build loyalty and trust rather than generate interest from the masses. So, we decided to master something specific. It takes a lot of time, energy and brain power to specialize, to master a skill that you value. We dedicated it to finding a way to ensure the leads that enter your business, become valued customers and truly connect with your work. 


We can now boast that we help, on average, 80% of new leads coming into your business, convert and become customers. We can now boast that we reduce your cost to convert a customer by over 50% (if not more). We are proud to say that we help you cover all communication touchpoints with customers and help you increase their lifetime value by over 20%.

This is the power of specialization. This is the power of mastery. Who would you like helping your business? A Jack of all services that can barely break even with them or a Master of one service that will outweigh the returns of multiple services?


If you make the smart choice to utilize our mastery of leads nurturing and brand loyalty with emails, hop on a call with us to find out if we make a good fit!


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